San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, Sunol Valley Water Treatment Plant, Expansion and Treated Water Reservoir
Sunol Valley, CA
Description: The Sunol Valley Water Treatment Plant (SVWTP) Expansion and Treated Water Reservoir Project involved expansion of the existing treatment plant as part of SFPUC’s overall Water System Improvement Program (WSIP). The project improved treatment reliability by increasing the plant’s sustainable capacity to 160 million gallons per day. The project also meets the California Department of Public Health requirement for the SFPUC to provide additional treated water storage capacity at the plant. The project involves the construction and operation of a new 17.5 million-gallon (MG) treated water reservoir, 3.5 MG chlorine contact tank, flocculation and sedimentation basin, construction of new effluent pipelines within the SVWTP, and a new 78-inch pipeline connecting the new treated water reservoir to the existing 78-inch plant discharge pipeline, which transports water from the plant to the existing Alameda Siphons.